Monday, 3 May 2010

Full Scale Colour Print

I have just the one full-scale print, which is A1 in size, done on the slightly older (and much cheaper!) printer in the print room. Whilst I was advised that a file size of around 100mb is the ideal for an A1 print it was less of an issue with my Polaroid scans as no matter what the quality of the file, the image can only reproduce the original quality of the Polaroid. As a result of this I soldiered on with my 16mb file and produced a single print. Due to visual acuity, the larger an image is blown up, the further we stand from it to be able to see it all, and therefore the lower the image quality you can get away with, which definitley worked in my favour.
I haven't bothered to reproduce the print here as it would be a photograph of a much larger print and, other than for the sake of scale, there would be so many changes in its appearance by the time it arrived on my blog that it would not be worth it. I have included the original image below, though its been posted on my blog before I thought it would be worth showing it again anyway.

The printer, as I have said before, is particularly old so the results were not completely perfect, darker areas tended to have white lines running vertically down them and the skintones, as the printer was not attached to a calibration unit, have come out rather more pink than the original. If I were to print again using the same machine the skintones could quite easily be corrected manually, reducing the red values of the image with Photoshop before printing, however, the white lines would still be very apparent and so I did not pursue any further prints with this printer.

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