Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Final Post
Monday, 3 May 2010
Darkroom Prints
Ideally I would have blown these images up to life-size too, had I the time and photographic paper to do so. I don't feel that the 10x8 size quite does them justice but for the time being it is a reasonable substitute.
Full Scale Colour Print
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Belated Video Stills Post 3
Belated Video Stills Post 2
Belated Video and Stills Post 1
Friday, 23 April 2010
Polaroids in Colour and Black and White
The first few were in colour, finishing off the pack of film I had in previously, the second series, which can be seen further down the page, were taken with a high-iso black and white film. I had hoped that, with using the 3000 iso black and white film that they would yeild somewhat grainier results, more like my previous Bronica images, unfortunately this was not the case, not that I was particulary disappointed with the images I did manage to capture. The lack of large-grain despite the fast film speed may be due to the limited size of the images, 31/4" x 41/4", and the process of making the Polaroid is more or less a contact-print, rather than an enlargement as you would get from a conventional film.
Bronica Film Roll 3
I felt that these images worked quite well because the tension in the body of the model helps to add a further texture to the already clearly apparent large grain. Again these images were taken with Ilford Delta 3200 film and processed in the darkroom.
Whilst I am more or less certain that my final images will now be Polaroids, albeit scanned in and blown up for final prints, I felt that using the Bronica was something which I particularly wanted to explore and experiment with. Though they have not yielded any final images they have taught me how to use this camera as well as how to use more basic Photoshop tools to improve the images, such as the Levels tool. I was also particularly pleased that the images had the kind of gritty, grainy texture which I had hoped they would, and which cannot easily be created in Photoshop, atleast, not as convincingly as a photograph taken on film.
Friday, 16 April 2010
Book Mock-Ups
While the layout on this design is the same as the first the colour is radically different, the deep red is far too strong and tends to detract from the image, which should be the main focus of the cover, equally, the white lettering looks too officious and does not have the conotations of some of the more reserved colour schemes.
I've also taken some more photographs in a similar style, using the Polaroid 403r, experimenting with some black and white film. Unfortunately I am away from my scanner at the moment, but will scan in and upload them in a later blog post. I have also taken more photographs with the Bronica and intend to develop atleast two more films once I get back to uni and can access the darkroom, again these will be updated in a later post.
Friday, 9 April 2010
Large Scale Prints
Though these images will be printed much larger than the original polaroids I still intend to use the Polaroid 403r passport camera as it is the most consistent and efficient, if not the most cost-effective, means of creating these images.
The idea behind a life-size scale is to create a more visceral engagement with the viewer, for the apparent deformity of the model to be more tangible than the original 31/4" x 41/4" images could be.
Monday, 29 March 2010
Cleand-Up Photos and Bronica Attempt 2
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Bill Henson and The Bronica
The image below is another example of my inexperience with this camera and film-type, either when loading the film, taking it out or processing it the film was partially exposed to the light, leading to the fogging of the negatives and the white patches which are visible on the edges of the photograph below. This is one reason why I intend to re-shoot some of the images from this roll, as well as to become more familiar with using the Bronica.
Sunday, 7 March 2010
Bellmer and the Polaroid 403R
Taking into consideration Bellmer's work and combining it with my initial concept of dividing the body using the framing of the image I took out my Polaroid passport camera and began to do just that. The first image is my first attempt as it appeared on the original polaroid image. Though it illustrates my point I felt that by lining up the edges of the limbs etc. in the image I could more clearly express my intentions and influences, which is why the lower image has been doctored in Photoshop. Lighting when using this camera for this kind of work becomes more important and, as the flash provided with the camera only lights for the passport-portrait style image I intend to experiment with off-camera slaveflashes so as to use the light more expressively. If this is successful I also plan to shoot some shots with Polaroid chocolate film, which has a large grain and gives brown-sepia toned images which would further resemble early Bellmer photographs. I also left the edges of the polaroid image on rather than peeling them off so as to further the idea of the rotting or decayed texture, particularly when compared to the smooth and even skin tones within the image.
Monday, 15 February 2010
Franken-fashion, Masks, Van Veluw and Hundertwasser
I began to experiment with the idea of the make-up as mask, I have several ways I wish to explore this which I haven't gotten around to as yet, however, I did start to think about the works of two particular artists recently, Levi Van Veluw and Friedrich Hundertwasser. The photographs below are my first attempt at exploring the use of make-up as mask, drawing lines in eye-liner across my face and photographing them using the previously mentioned Polaroid 403R. The first image is the stages of this and the second is used more as documentation. The photographs become documents of an event, like the images left after 60s performance art. That the camera is used to create photographs for documentation is also an applicable and interesting facet.
Levi Van Veluw's work involves covering his own face and head in various materials, including leather, felt and human hair. His work contains a dual attraction, curiosity and repulsion create feelings of ambivalence in the viewer. These works also follow the vein of performance art in that the photographs are all that is left as documentation of the works. I intend to further expand on his work in a later post.
Friedrich Hundertwasser was part inspiration for my face-contours photographs mostly because of their aesthetic similarities. When first starting these photographs he was not a direct influence, the lines were more a way of exploring the contours of the face through a simple pattern, however, after having studied the photographs more closely, the works of Hundertwasser and the likeness to the painting below became very apparent.
Friday, 12 February 2010
Passport Photos and the Polaroid Miniportrait 403R
The image below is a grid of six 3.25" x 4.25" polaroid images. The camera has three settings for taking photographs, you can set it to take four separate images, two and two the same or all four the same. Though these photographs are only my playing and experimenting with the camera I have some more specific intentions for the next set which should be more relevant to my project.
Friday, 29 January 2010
Found Passport Photos
The second image I found on the steps of the Kimberlin Library and so assume that the person in the photograph is a student currently studying at De Montfort. I think this is an interesting facet of this photograph, that I may see or have already seen or encountered the subject of the photo and that they would be none the wiser. There was nothing written on the back.